Kaloud Lotus: Features & Use

Kaloud Lotus is a heat management equipment that transfers the heat from charcoal to shisha. It reduces the charcoal particles and other volatile gasses from charcoal to shisha. The Kaloud makes smoking experience better, tastier, cleaner, and ongoing.


Features of Kaloud Lotus


Made from high-quality materials:


The Kaloud Lotus is a piece of art manufactured from top-quality materials. For manufacturing, advanced technology was used in the medical and aerospace industries. So that people can enjoy a premium smoking experience.


High-grade steel use 


Kaloud Lotus is high-grade stainless steel with a removable top and adjustable vents for precise heat transfer. Keeping the lid off will produce the most negligible heat; having the lid on with the vents open delivers medium heat, and closing the vents will create the most heat.


Highly engineered model


Kaloud Lotus is manufactured with engineering techniques that make it safe for use. It also helps to reduce the impact of volatile gasses, which cause charcoals. It also stops small ash particles with advanced structure so that you will get a smooth smoking experience. The Lotus will replace your hookah foil and allow for an even amount of airflow within your smoke session.




Q.1 Can Kaloud Lotus reduce charcoal particles?


A.1 Kaloud Lotus engineering techniques help stop charcoal particles and make smoking smooth and better.


Q.2 Can Kaloud Lotus give me a smooth smoking experience?


A.2 Kaloud Lotus is deliberately designed to make smoking easier and smoother for people.